Enjoying Birthday Party

Enjoying Birthday Party
I love being 2 digits-way too much make up

Monday, November 24, 2008

Third week of Maintenance

Leila is doing great! She has adjusted to being back on the oral chemo and takes it like a pro. She doesn't even put up a fight to take anything. She is so used to it all and it has become routine to her and mommy. Her blood counts are up and she has a lot of energy these days. She has been enjoying playing with her friends, going to the park and riding her bike. She has been doing great with her tutor Mr. Gardner. He leaves homework for her each week and mommy helps oversee that she gets it done. Her quarter grades came back and she received three A's and two B's!! That was very exciting to see. Last week we took Rami to school in the morning and Leila got to see the kids in her class. Her teacher invited her into the class to meet everyone and she was given a very warm welcome. A few of the girls took Leila by the hand and guided her through the classroom. For me (mommy) it was an emotional moment filled with fighting back the tears that wanted to flow down my face. Many of the tears over the past seven months have been those from heart ache, but these tears were from pure joy!!! Seeing her in that environment and the fact that the kids were so nice to her, made it all seem easier. We will continue to visit the school and let her see the kids, so they can get used to her before she returns in January.

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