Enjoying Birthday Party

Enjoying Birthday Party
I love being 2 digits-way too much make up

Sunday, December 27, 2009

H1N1 (swine flu)

Leila has been doing so well and staying very healthy since school started in August.  She has been very good about washing her hands and her teacher was helpful in using antibacterial wipes in the classroom.  Unfortnately she and Deena caught the H1N1 flu, despite our efforts to keep them healthy.  It was two weeks of high fevers, horrible coughing, aches and pains, several rounds of IV antibiotics, oral antibiotics, tylenol, motrin, chest x-rays, breathing treatments and many trips to Dr. B's office. It all started the weekend of Thanksgiving and went on until Leila's birthday.

We still managed to have Leila's 8th birthday party after we knew she was no longer contagious.  It was a long two weeks and she missed about 8 days of school, but we avoided the hospital!!!!!!